Recipe: Appetizing Moist Chocolate chips banana bread. 🍷

Moist Chocolate chips banana bread. 🍷.

Moist Chocolate chips banana bread. 🍷 You can cook Moist Chocolate chips banana bread. 🍷 using 11 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Moist Chocolate chips banana bread. 🍷

  1. It's 6 of ripes mashed banana.
  2. You need 1 cup of melted butter/ 1 cup cooking oil.
  3. It's 2 cup of all-purpose flour(- 6 tbsp).
  4. It's 1 cup of whole wheat flour.
  5. Prepare 6 tbsp of cornstarch.
  6. Prepare 1 1/2-2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder.
  7. It's 2 cup of brown sugar.
  8. It's 4 of large eggs.
  9. Prepare 2 tsp of baking soda.
  10. Prepare 1 tsp of salt.
  11. You need 2 cup of semi sweet chocolate chips.

Moist Chocolate chips banana bread. 🍷 step by step

  1. 1. Preheat oven 325°F. Grease 2 Reguler loafs baking pan. Or use your favorite baking pan style..
  2. Mix eggs and sugar in the mixer bowl. Beat around 2 mnt..
  3. Place all ingredients together into mixing bowl. Not over work..
  4. Add half cup of chocolate chips into batter..
  5. Pour into prepared loaf..
  6. Bake until tooth pick inserted comes out clean..
  7. Good companion with a cup of tea in the afternoon. GOOD LUCK..
  8. .
